Docker-Learning-Path: Cheat Sheet

Harry Sunaryo
3 min readAug 16, 2022


Source: Unsplash

Then, how so far? Are you still enthusiast learn Docker? Do you still with me? Let’s make it more obvious.

Okay, in this session. I would like to share some important commands or instructions which you need.

In the last meeting, we already learned about Docker Fundamental. What docker is, analogy of Docker and when we should use it. For keeping it on your mind, just click this link:

First of all, I want to say sorry to all my readers. As we know Software Development is huge field. But, we could say more than 60% we do coding. Even, when you learn beauty tool like Docker with elegant GUI (Graphic User Interface) but it’s a requirement to understand some instruction in Docker.

As I said, Docker is beautiful tool with its Docker Dekstop, you could klak-klik (As easy as you are turning palm) and it’s so many interactive features.

You could download Docker Dekstop depends on your device on

Docker Command Cheat Sheet

Basic Management Command
Inspecting the container
Interacting with container
Image management commands
Image transfer commands
Builder main commands

There are dozen of Docker instruction and fortunately just some of them that you need to understand as well, such as:

  1. Pull, push and build image
  2. Start, stop, inspect, porting, naming container
  3. Builder commands such as FROM, Context, WORKDIR, RUN, CMD, ENV, PORT, COPY and etc.
  4. Docker-compose Commands, check this link.


After learning Docker Basic and its commands. Then, you are going to have to through SWARM as one of additional tool which you need to understand. Surely, there are more commands which you need to understand more. :D

My strong message to you as beginner in Docker, keep away to copy-paste code. (DON’T DO THAT!) Make a habit to retyping any commands those you need to execute. At least, it’ll help you to understand its meaning slowly.


Docker Cheat Sheet in a single page

Hopefully, this cheat-sheet will bring beneficial for us. See you on next writing.


